Mohamed Nouman poses with his family and sponsors Thuy Nguyen (right) and Michael Adams on the boardwalk of a Toronto beach.
The Framework for Data Sharing in Practice (hereafter, the ‘Framework’), offers practical guidance for how to undertake or assess the benefits and risks of a given data sharing scenario, for humanitarian or non-humanitarian colleagues.
The objective of the Framework is to work towards the overall reduction in the risk of sharing or not sharing by illustrating the benefits of sharing through a set of minimums in terms of trust, concepts, principles, methods, and processes.
The Framework is open to participants from within the humanitarian community and beyond and may be used in displacement situations or humanitarian settings in general. This work is meant to be a guide in the decision-making process.
The Framework is available for download, and use as pdf here. The Framework is also available in Spanish; Marco para el Intercambio de datos en la Práctica.
What are colleagues are saying about PIM, and the Framework for Data Sharing in Practice?
Hear Emily David, Technical Advisor on Protection Rule of Law at IRC and Kathrine Starup, Global Protection Advisor for the Danish Refugee Council discussing the PIM Framework, including the latest from the PIM community on the Framework for Data Sharing in Practice, which breaks down how to undertake safe, responsible data sharing!
Check out the GBVIMS podcast featuring PIM here: