Protection monitoring forĀ evidence-based decision-making and response
In December 2018, a PIM thematic meeting was convened with the purpose of strengthening a common understanding and approach to ‘Protection Monitoring’, while exploring how to better enable analysis and use of protection monitoring data and information for evidence-based decision-making and response. While protection monitoring actors have established various organizational guidance at global and operational levels, there are common challenges in ensuring that protection monitoring results in sound analysis and timely responses for protection outcomes.
The meeting brought together a small group of multi-disciplinary thinkers and practitioners to discuss how to jointly strengthen analysis and responses linked to protection monitoring, and to further refine and contribute to development of guidance for stronger analysis and responses based on data, information and evidence from protection monitoring as a PIM category.
The Outcome Document of the thematic meeting can be downloaded from here. The Protection Monitoring workstream initiated in December 2018 will be continued in 2019.