A young man from Syria prays after reaching safely the shores of Lesbos in an inflatable boat full of refugees and migrants, having crossed the Aegean sea from Turkey.
Background and rationale:
The first Protection Information Management Working Meeting was held in May, 2015 in Copenhagen, Denmark, co-organized by UNHCR and DRC.
The objective of the PIM Working Meeting was to act as a first step in a process through which the discipline of PIM, its components, principles, and systems could be further identified and shared with the rest of the humanitarian community.
The intent of the PIM Working Meeting was to establish a common understanding on PIM, not to develop new tools.
The PIM Working Meeting brought together a diverse group of information management and protection colleagues, with results demonstrative of both solid protection and information management practices.
The following results were achieved in this Working Meeting:
- Document a definition of PIM;
- Reach agreement on PIM principles;
- List PIM core competencies (skills, knowledge, and attitude) to guide training activities;
- Document a draft PIM systems matrix, including characteristics and terminology, to be used in designing and delivering a PIM response;
- Document the relationships between PIM processes, with the objective of understanding how different systems interact;
- Identify next steps for furthering concepts discussed and/or agreed to during the PIM Working Meeting.
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